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Are you a snorer?

Or does your partner’s snoring keep you awake?

Snoring: The most common sleep complaint

As many as 40% of UK adults snore, and men are twice as likely to experience snoring than women. It’s also common for male snoring to be louder too. If you or your bedpartner snore, it’s important to understand why, as there could be a medical reason which, once treated, can improve or even alleviate snoring.

Snoring happens as the soft tissue muscles relax, causing vibration from airflow when we breathe. The snorer doesn’t usually hear themselves snoring, so it is often the bedpartner who suffers from a lack of sleep after being kept awake through the night, and their complaints in the morning that informs the snorer of the noise they made! Did you know that snoring is even a common reason for divorce? It’s no surprise that a lack of sleep caused by snoring, can lead to a short temper the following day, resulting in more arguments, putting a strain on a relationship.

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Learn about your snoring

To prevent snoring, first you need to understand what may be causing it. To do this, we recommend SnoreLab, a free app which records your snoring and provides insights and recommendations for remedies.

SnoreLab is not a SleepHubs product, but it has been tried and tested by us and we highly recommend trying it out.

Common causes of snoring

So, we know that snoring is a result of vibrations caused by airflow in the throat, and the biggest driver of these vibrations is the speed at which the air moves. Being overweight leads to a fatty deposit area in the neck, which restricts the air passage, so the air has to flow even quicker to get enough oxygen. This means that weight can play a big part in whether or not we snore, and oftentimes, people are able to reduce their snoring by losing weight.

Alcohol consumption can also increase the likelihood and severity of snoring. This is because when intoxicated, the muscles become more relaxed in the air passage, and this restriction again leads to more vibration in the throat. You find that the more you drink, the worse your snoring becomes.

Certain medication may also impact snoring. It’s important to discuss with your GP if you think your medication is affecting your sleep.

Snoring could be a result of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

Find out if you’re at risk in just 1 minute.

apnoea snoring

We developed the free SleepHubs Check-Up to help you to test if you are at risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) or Insomnia: The 2 most common sleep disorders.

Snoring is one risk factor, but daytime sleepiness and other symptoms also contribute to this risk. If you have a high risk of OSA, we can help you to officially diagnose and treat your it.

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